For upcoming special events, please visit our Facebook page:
Upcoming Events
- Mar. 5, Ash Wednesday
- 5:30 pm Lent Meal
- 6:30 pm Ash Wednesday worship service
- Every Wednesday in Lent (March 5-April 9)
- 5:30 pm Lent Meal
- 6:30 pm Ash Wednesday worship service
- Mar. 23. Bowling Event
- 11:30am (right after church service)
- April 12. Cleveland Community Egg Hunt
- 10:30-Noon
- April 17. Maundy Thursday
- 6:30pm Worship Service
- April 18, 1:00pm Good Friday Service
- April 20. Festival of the Resurrection
- 7:45 Breakfast
- 9:00 Festival Service
- April 27. Confirmation Day.
- 10:00am Service