Christ is risen! He is risen indeed, Alleluia!
Our Easter joy continues as we celebrate Christ’s victory over sin, death and hell. As we get closer to the end of the Easter season our focus shifts to Jesus preparing his disciples for his departure. Jesus calls his disciples to love him and keep his commands, and promises to send the Holy Spirit to guide us and dwell in us.
1. Plan to reopen on May 27th
The church council met on May 12th for our regularly scheduled council meeting. One of the topics of the discussion was how and when to begin worshiping again.
At the time of the meeting the Wisconsin Supreme Court had not made a decision about the Safer at Home order. It was the decision of the council to plan to resume in-person worship on Wednesday, May 27. This is the first scheduled week of our summer service schedule. As we have done in the past, we will offer two services during the summer:
- Wednesdays: 6:30 pm.
- Sundays: 9:00 am.
Both services will be held upstairs in the sanctuary to allow worshipers to spread out and self distance. In the coming days we will work out what procedures we will use to help prevent the spread of COVID19 and protect those who gather to worship.
We will offer the Lord’s Supper on June 3 & 7.
We thank you for your support and patience as we work toward reopening and beginning worship.
2. Furnace Update
At our May 12th church council meeting the motion was made and passed to accept the bid from Four Seasons to replace the church boilers for $27,200.
3. Landscaping Update
At our May 12th church council meeting the decision was made to have Schmidt Excavating remove the 9 stumps from the church property. We also hired Lee Wiegand to trim the two trees in front of the church and parsonage.
4. Scrip Orders Update
Please call LaFaye Herzog (920-946-6636) by Sunday to place your Scrip orders.
Scrip orders will be available to pick up from Kris Mahler at the church office in the basement on Wednesday from 10am – 12 noon. Once church services resume, then we will go back to the regular summer Scrip pick up schedule which is Wednesday’s before the church service and Sunday’s after the church service.
5. Bake Sale Cancelled
The Women’s ministry has decided to cancel the bake sale schedule for June 12-13 during the Cleveland Village Rummage Sale.
6. Video Devotions and Services
Pastor Wall is continuing to put out worship and devotion videos several times each week: devotions for Tuesday and Thursday; a worship service for Sunday. We post the videos on our Facebook page as well as on our YouTube channel. If you have a smart TV or device, you can watch our videos on your TV. Just go to the YouTube app and search for St. John St. Peter Lutheran Church.
Videos will be uploaded sometime the evening before each day.
7. Joint Ascension Service This Week
We teamed up with St. Paul’s in Howard’s Grove to record a special Ascension Service worship video for this week. Normally we celebrate on a Thursday the 40th day after Easter. The video should be uploaded some time on Wednesday. Thank you to Taylor Rudlaff, Kelly Wall and August Wall for helping with the music, as well as the musicians and A/V crew at St. Paul’s.
8. Sunday School
This is the last week of Sunday School. Thank you to all our teachers who served the children this year. We have missed all your smiling faces at church. We look forward to seeing you all in class in September. Have a wonderful summer!
9. Bible Study
We are closing out our regular Bible Studies this week. On May 27 we will begin our summer Bible Study schedule: 19 Minutes with Luther. Worshipers are invited to stay after worship for 19 minutes to study God’s Word together for no more than 19 minutes. Yes, we really do set a timer.
- Sunday 5/17: 8:45 am. Timely Topics.
- Monday 5/18: 6:30 pm. 2 Corinthians: 13.
- Sunday 5/24: No Bible Study Memorial Weekend.
- Wednesday 5/27. Begin 19 Minutes with Luther Bible Study.
10. Offerings
Thank you to all who have remembered their church during this tumultuous time and have continued to support gospel ministry here in Cleveland.
We are well aware that the current crisis has made it difficult for some of our members to give their offerings. We pray that God would continue to provide for all our members and enable them to return thanks to the Lord for the many good gifts that he has given. If you or someone you know needs financial assistance, please contact Pastor Wall!
As a reminder, the best way to give your offering is to send a check in the mail to our church address:
- St. John-St. Peter Lutheran Church
1251 W. Washington Ave.
Cleveland, WI 53015
If you are a Thrivent member it is also possible to give an offering online through their website, and Thrivent will pay the processing fees. If you would like more information, please contact Pastor Wall or your Thrivent rep.
Members who schedule private devotions with Pastor Wall may also bring their offerings at that time.
11. Food Bank Available
Food bank drive through at Cleveland Elementary School each Friday from 11am – 1pm until school resumes. Is available to all families in need, all ages. Pull up to school and a staff member will bring the food out.
~ From Sheboygan Food Bank and Cleveland Elementary.
12. Private Devotion & Communion
Members who would like to meet with Pastor Wall for a private devotion and to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion may call Pastor Wall at the church number (693-8612) to schedule a time during the week.
13. How Can We Help?
Your church is here to help! If you have any needs that we could assist with, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Running low on food or toiletries or other supplies? Don’t feel comfortable going shopping? Let us know and we will do what we can to help get you through this difficult time. Call the church phone if you have any questions.
God bless you and keep you!
In Christ, our Savior,
Pastor Steven Wall